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" Creative blocks and caught up in looping thoughts with no end in sight...but after the session had four pages worth of ideas down in no time..."

"First you make your beliefs then your beliefs make you....."

"Hey Matthew,

What can I say, firstly thank you for your time and belief in me. I came into this with an absolutely open mind, believing that after years of suffering with depression and anxiety I have nothing to lose by trying something new. In our two hour session I can honestly say I have learnt more about myself and the root causes of my illness than I have in years of therapy.

As mentioned at one point I was floating. Just looking down on myself, assessing my thoughts and feelings. I woke up from the hypnosis feeling refreshed and with a new zing and lease of life. I feel excited to start listening to my recordings and continuing to make that change and become the best version of me.

Honestly thank you.

Really appreciate it and I look forward to keeping in touch with you.

Many thanks"


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